Kananaskis Country Campgrounds - Alberta

Kananaskis Country Campgrounds & Group Campgrounds
( for more detail visit the area link
on the menu bar.)

  • Peter Lougheed Provincial Park
    - 6 Campgrounds
    - 2 Group Camps
  • Kananaskis Valley
    - 1 Campground
  • Spray Valley Provincial Park
    - 2 Campgrounds
  • Highwood/Cataract Creek
    - 5 Campgrounds
    - 2 Group Camps
  • Elbow River Valley
    - 6 Campgrounds
    - 2 Group Camps
  • Sheep River Valley
    - 7 Campgrounds
    - 3 Group Camps

    Area Map
    Kananaskis Country

    Interpretive Programs

    Kananaskis Country
    Trail Report

Enjoy Your Holidays at Kananaskis Country

Kananaskis Country is 4250 square Kilometers (1600 sq. mi.) of protected Canadian Rocky Mountain wilderness bordering on Banff National Park..Towering mountains, evergreen covered valleys, pristine lakes and streams are a camper's paradise.

For the outdoor adventurist, activities are virtually endless. There is hiking, cycling, boating, golfing, horseback riding, fishing and skiing. For the nature enthusiast, wildlife and wildflowers abound in breathtaking displays.

Discover a diversity of wildlife from trumpeter swans to grizzly bears. Keep an eye out for elk, deer, moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goats. Explore the trails through wildflower-filled meadows.

Make Sure To Bring
Your Camera!

Phone: (403) 591-7226

Events / Sights
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This Site and its Contents are the Property of
Kananaskis Country Campgrounds Inc.